제목 |
엑시스커뮤니케이션즈코리아(주) (J007) → 2003.09.18 16:37:14 |
등록자 |
황정현 |
이메일 |
bncbb@daum.net |
검색 |
17,662건 |
사이트주소 |
http://www.axiscom.co.kr/ |
검색단어 |
네트워크 카메라, 웹카메라, 프린트 서버,비디오 서버, 블루투스 공급. |
검색추가 |
설명#1 |
네트워크 카메라, 웹카메라, 프린트 서버,비디오 서버, 블루투스 공급. |
첨부화일 |

링크 |
About Axis
Axis increases the value of network solutions. The company is an innovative market leader in network video and print servers. Axis products and solutions are focused on applications such as security surveillance, remote monitoring and document management. The products are based on in-house developed chip technology, which is also sold to third parties.
Axis was founded in 1984 and is listed on the Stockholmsbörsen. Axis operates globally with offices in 14 countries and in cooperation with distributors, system integrators and OEM partners in 70 countries. Markets outside Sweden account for more than 95 % of sales. Information about Axis can be found at www.axis.com