사이트관리 상세

제목 위즈네트 (J007) → 2003.09.20 17:46:19
등록자 황정현 이메일 bncbb@daum.net 검색 15,159건
사이트주소 http://www.wiznet.co.kr/
검색단어 TCP/IP 칩, Seiral-to-Ethernet 컨버터 모듈, TCP/IP 통신 모듈, 네트워크 카메라, 홈네트워킹
설명#1 TCP/IP 칩, Seiral-to-Ethernet 컨버터 모듈, TCP/IP 통신 모듈, 네트워크 카메라, 홈네트워킹
For more detailed information you can contact the nearest distributor. If there is no one nearby feel free to contact our Head Office. Head Office WIZnet,Inc 5F Simmtech Bldg., 228-3, Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, 135-830, Korea Phone: 82-2-547-9707 Fax: 82-2-547-9711 Marketing & Sales: E-mail: sales@wiznet.co.kr Technical Support: E-mail: support@wiznet.co.kr Any feedback: E-mail: feedback@wiznet.co.kr If you located within United States dont hesitate to contact our Branch Office there. Branch Office iinChip,Inc Administration and Accounting & Shipping Dept. 1824 Oak Creek Drive, #206 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Tel. 650-327-9784 Fax. 650-566-0586 Email:helen@iinchip.com Marketing & Sales Dept. Email :sales_us@iinchip.com Technical Support: E-mail: support_us@iinchip.com