사이트관리 상세

제목 웹게이트(주) (J007) → 2003.09.20 18:03:13
등록자 황정현 이메일 bncbb@daum.net 검색 17,662건
사이트주소 http://www.webgateinc.com
검색단어 임베디드 리눅스 기반 영상처리 및 네트워크 개발, 웹카메라 및 HDD 내장 감시용 카메라.
설명#1 임베디드 리눅스 기반 영상처리 및 네트워크 개발, 웹카메라 및 HDD 내장 감시용 카메라.
Amid rapidly changing Internet era,WEBGATE Inc. has grown into the global leader in network related fields. Our success has been based on aggressive marketing strategy and ongoing R&D investment. Since our R&D center was established in 1997, we have participated in developing high-tech armament projects. We have developed ASIC chips for super high-resolution image compression and decompression, image-processing devices for pilot-less reconnaissance planes (UAV: Unmanned Air Vehicle), and image guidance systems for missiles. While accomplishing those projects successfully, WEBGATE Inc. has accumulated the core technologies of image processing, networking and embedded system designs. We have been continuing our efforts to improve our technological abilities and develop new products more useful for general Internet users. The first result of our effort is the development of WebEye models (web server camera) and i-Rec Cam (camera style Net DVR). Our technologies are focused on digital image processing, embedded system design and networking to produce embedded O/S and web server cameras providing real time images. We are also making the best endeavor to provide easy networking solutions by developing the WebPlug and Webchip, ultra compact Internet access module and chip for home appliance and industrial controls. You can communicate with your device through network just by installing in the device. Our products of the world best technologies attracted a great deal of attentions in the global market. We have established business partnerships with world leading companies such as Philips, Fujitsu, Samsung, and Sony. WEBGATE has always strived for the top together with our customers in this rapidly changing period of the information wave, by employing our latest in-house H/W and S/W design capabilities. WEBGATE is now planning to expand its role to become a true connectivity leader by making utmost efforts in our R&D section and improving its competitiveness in the world market as well