사이트관리 상세

제목 TotalSecurity.US Experts in Homeland Security and (J007) → 2003.09.22 23:16:13
등록자 강민정 이메일 bfiancee@chollian.net 검색 15,163건
사이트주소 http://www.totalsecurityservices.com/
검색단어 security
설명#1 TotalSecurity.US Experts in Homeland Security and Anti-Terrorism Training
Total Security Services International was founded by Anti-Terrorism Specialist Jeffrey K. Beatty in 1992, after extensive service to the United States military and government. From 1981-1983 Mr. Beatty served as a Delta Force, Assault Troop Commander. He led his unit on several deployments, was repeatedly commended for saving lives and went on to become the Force Operations Officer. In 1983, Mr. Beatty was recruited by the FBI to serve as a special advisor to the FBI뭩 Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) with emphasis on security for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Two years later, Mr. Beatty was recruited by the CIA and served at several locations in Europe and in the Middle East. He developed programs used to train allies on how to counter terrorism, mounted several successful intelligence and security operations against terrorist groups responsible for the deaths of Americans, thwarted several potential terrorist attacks and ran successful traditional intelligence operations.