사이트관리 상세

제목 오리엔탈 전자공업 (J007) → 2003.09.25 21:26:46
등록자 ksg 이메일 codi73@empal.com 검색 17,661건
사이트주소 http://www.orientalco.com
검색단어 CCTV 제조업체. 옵져베이션 키트, CCD 카메라, 보드 카메라, LCD 모니터, DVR 등 제품 소개
설명#1 CCTV제조
Oriental Electronics Industrial Co., Ltd was established in 1969 to make equipment for cable television and master antenna television, exporting its production to the USA, where it was sold under the MAGNAVOX and ZENITH brands. In 1972, the O.E.I.C., Ltd. began a joint venture with Japanese interests gaining the manufacturing and technical expertise required to expand its research_cctv and development of electronic products. In 1976, Oriental Electronics began the development of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras and resulted in the successful export of the first Korean made CCTV cameras in 1978, representing the initial investment of $350,000 US Dollars. The company maintained a close technical relationship with Hitachi Ltd., which supplied some key components used in the manufacturing of camera equipment. Since 1986, Oriental Electronics has been producing CCD cameras, which are smaller than a pack of cigarettes. At the beginning, Oriental Electronics had received the technical assistance of Sharp in the development of new CCD models. Oriental Electronics has been exporting the majority of its production to most of the major countries such as USA, England, Germany, France etc. The companys presence in domestic and international electronic trade shows have been very successful in boosting sales. At this moment, Oriental has been exporting to more than 50 countries all over the world.