사이트관리 상세

제목 TEVICOM (J007) → 2003.09.25 21:34:38
등록자 ksg 이메일 codi73@empal.com 검색 17,668건
사이트주소 http://www.tevicom.co.kr
검색단어 CCTV 제조업체. Observation System, Home Security System, Multiplexer, DVR 등 제품 소개
설명#1 CCTV 제조업체
Since its establishment in July 1989 as a specialized manufacturer and exporter of CCTV products, Taeheung Industries Co. ,Ltd. has enjoyed a good reputation of excellent product quality and reliability around the world in the past decade.Today its products under "TEVICOM" brand name are well recognized in over 40 countries abroad and the company was awarded US$10 million Export Trophy from the Korean Government in December 1998 in recognition of its rapidly increasing export prformance to TEVICOM clients. The export and market share in the world has been increasing every year. Over 20 well experienced R&D engineers are constantly working on new product developments to meet the ever increasing sophisticated demand of its clients. Each year new state-of-the-art products are on the market for customers satisfaction. The management and staff of TEVICOM are devoting all their efforts to play a leading role in the fast changing security industry. We invite your kind inquiries on our products, which will be given our usual prompt and cordial response, and look forward to doing business with you soon.