사이트관리 상세

제목 Bluetronics (G008) → 2001.08.03 09:19:03
등록자 남일영 이메일 iynam@iwizvill.com 검색 17,155건
사이트주소 http://www.bluetronics.com
검색단어 Bluetooth
설명#1 Bluetooth 모듈 및 WLAN 모듈 개발 생산.
We are ready to deliver Bluetooth™ and WLAN modules! For samples and module inquieries, please send an email to: productinfo@bluetronics.com Bluetronics offers radio modules for Bluetooth and WLAN (wireless local area network). Bluetronics’ technical-solution is based on the highly integrated EmbeddedRF technology, building most of the components into the interconnection substrate including the patch antenna. These components include inductors, capacitors, baluns, couplers and filters, etc. The product family from Bluetronics will include Bluetooth™ and IEEE 802.11 (b and a) WLAN modules at 2.4 and 5.7 GHz.