사이트관리 상세

제목 CSR (G008) → 2001.08.03 09:23:08
등록자 남일영 이메일 iynam@iwizvill.com 검색 17,669건
사이트주소 http://www.csr.com
검색단어 Bluetooth
설명#1 bluetooth one chip solution 개발 업체. 국내외 가장널리 사용되는 칩셋개발업체
The Single-Chip Wireless Company CSR designs and manufactures single-chip radio devices - focusing initially on solutions for the 2.4GHz Bluetooth personal area networking standard. The background and experience of our development team give CSR a unique advantage to help OEMs exploit the new wave of wireless networking – allowing us to build what we believe is the first truly integrated single-chip Bluetooth system, and one which is based on commodity CMOS technology with all its inherent advantages.