사이트관리 상세

제목 Spacefuture (F001) → 2001.08.03 16:09:24
등록자 남일영 이메일 iynam@iwizvill.com 검색 16,030건
사이트주소 http://www.spacefuture.com/whatsnew.shtml
검색단어 WPT
설명#1 Spacefuture사의 홈페이지.
July -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30th Added "Space Travel and Tourism: A Response to Continuing Decay in US Civil Space Financial Support" to the archive. 29th Updated the Thunderbird entry and added Nova to the Vehicle Designs page. 26th Added "Security Implications of Non-Terrestrial Resource Exploitation" to the archive. 15th Added "Lunar Real Estate: Buyer, Beware!" to the archive.