사이트관리 상세

제목 Xemics (A003) → 2001.08.07 19:42:06
등록자 James 이메일 DUG2@mail.hitel.net 검색 17,661건
사이트주소 http://www.xemics.com
검색단어 RF, Modem, chip, Controller, 부품, bluetooth
설명#1 RF Modem(Onechip), Codec, Controller, Bluetooth Module 생산업체(스위스)
The way in which people interact and communicate with their environment is rapidly changing. At the cutting edge of these networks, autonomous battery-operated terminals are a key element of the ongoing race to meet at the crossroads of wireless communication and Internet access. XEMICS is a fabless semiconductor company which develops and delivers ultra low-power, short-range wireless connectivity solutions. We provide highly integrated solutions for applications ranging from headsets to Bluetooth-enabled portable equipment, sensor networks, Internet appliances and GPS platforms. We deliver innovative integrated circuits for your products straight to you via our expanding worldwide sales and distribution network