사이트관리 상세

제목 Altera (A003) → 2001.08.07 20:02:11
등록자 James 이메일 DUG2@mail.hitel.net 검색 17,527건
사이트주소 http://www.altera.com
검색단어 RF, chip, FPAG, CPLD
설명#1 FPAG와 CPLD 칩 제조 업체로 Xilinx와 함께 세계 2대 업체중의 하나
Altera?? Corporation (Nasdaq: ALTR), founded in 1983, is a world leader in high-performance, high-density programmable logic devices, associated software tools, intellectual property software blocks, and state-of-the-art design services. Alteras mission is to be a preeminent supplier of programmable silicon solutions to the electronics industry through product leadership, excellent value, and superior quality and service.