사이트관리 상세

제목 Cirocomm (F008) → 2001.08.09 13:50:55
등록자 남일영 이메일 iynam@iwizvill.com 검색 17,661건
사이트주소 http://www.cirocomm.com.tw
검색단어 GPS
설명#1 대만의 GPS 모듈 개발 생산업체...
Cirocomm was founded in 1996 by a group of people with extensive experience in the areas of research, design, development, applications, and manufacturing dielectric filter device. From the onset, our goals were to become the leading supplier for both military and commercial dielectric filter components with advanced material technology. After 5 years of dedication, Cirocomm’s proprietary technical expertise is now recognized as a global leader in providing high-performance dielectric filter components and RF module