사이트관리 상세

제목 글로벌 레벨원 닷컴 (J000) → 2006.04.04 17:41:53
등록자 james 이메일 rf114@paran.com 검색 25,299건
사이트주소 http://global.level1.com/index.php
검색단어 네트워크,장비,통신,광,기가,SFC,GBIC,HUB,허브,포트port
설명#1 Established in 1991, Digital Data Communications (DDC) specializes in networking solutions with innovative technology.
Established in 1991, Digital Data Communications (DDC) specializes in networking solutions with innovative technology. We care for people, their tasks and their goals. By using excellent professional expertise, our firm utilizes contemporary ultra high developmental speeds in the field of communications and information technology to produce our fully integrated range of totally developed products. DDC is headquartered in Germany, and also maintains branches in Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden and Taiwan. We are currentlly achieving year-on-year increase in turn-over. Our Production, Development, Distribution and Logistic Centers are growing in number and setting new qually standards throughout the world with powerful and recognizable brand names. Because we are driven by our commitment to a total net working solution for all of our customers, DDC product lines have grown into a rich array of cost-effective management solutions. DDC uses the brand name "LevelOne" to offer the market its Wireless LAN, Home-Plug LAN, POE LAN, Broadband Router, ADSL Router, Printer Server, IP Network Camera, NAS series, Projector Server, KVM Switch, Palm Switch, Soho Switch, Converter, Interface Card, Network Adapter and VolP products. By drawing on our professional, marketing strategies, we can firmly establish the marketability of a product and our sales results support this statement. We expect all our hi-tech suppliers to implement their own internal quality-assurance systems and then to subject their products to our own intensive long-term tests. In addition to requirments demanded by German industrial Standard ISO 2659, DDC production is also subject to MIL-STD 105D, a stringent American procedure that stipulates specific quality tests during the manufacturing process. We guarantee our pre- and after-sales support. Whenever our clients need qualified advice on planing and user questions, our ears and phone lines are open. We are convinced that progress and experience go hand in hand. To generate and to maintain growth at our current healthy levels, we are expanding and consolidating our position in international markets. We know there will be more challenges ahead in the future, and we will continue to provide the best products to satisfy customers's demands and follow DDC corporate policy of expansion that focuses on opening new markets throughout the world.