사이트관리 상세

제목 EasySlides (H000) → 2017.02.12 16:55:22
등록자 윤영기 이메일 rf114@daum.net 검색 17,661건
사이트주소 http://www.easyslides.com
검색단어 EasySlides,자막,교회,성경
검색추가 H000,J000,
설명#1 The current release of the software is still called EasiSlides but from the next version onwards, the software will be called EasySlides!

Easislides Version 4 is packed full of features, more than what you may find in alot of paid worship projection software.

Dual-Lingual Lyrics
Project lyrics in two different languages at the same time, should you have such lyrics in your database, for multi-lingual services .

Multimedia Support
Play Audio File or Video Background and Live Feed from an attached Camcorder along with the lyrics. Alternatively you can use our slide backgrounds, gradients or your own images.

Praisebook Generator
Print your own Praise and Worship Books.

Three Monitors Output
Output for Operator, Congregation and Choir/Musicians .

Html Generator
Produce all the necessary files to publish the lyrics on your church website.

Add notations, such as guitar chords to the lyrics.

Auto Rotate
Let the slides rotate automatically using timers, in step with a media file.

Run Alerts during a live praise session, for example Nursery Alerts.

Search, Integrate and Run bible verses from the bible database. Add and Remove your own Bible Translations and Versions.

Format your text and position your lyrics

Download Easislides to discover more features, visit the Download page.