사이트관리 상세

제목 테라머니 (I000) → 2020.04.07 18:02:58
등록자 관리자 이메일 rf114@daum.net 검색 16,090건
사이트주소 https://terra.money
검색단어 테라,머니,블록체인,차이,CHAI
검색추가 B000,D000,
설명#1 Our mission is to free people from the hidden fees embedded into everyday payments. We strip away these inefficiencies by harnessing the power of blockchain technology.

Terra Money: Stability and Adoption Evan Kereiakes, Do Kwon, Marco Di Maggio, Nicholas Platias April 2019 Abstract While many see the benefits of a price-stable cryptocurrency that combines the best of both fiat and Bitcoin, not many have a clear plan for the adoption of such a currency. Since the value of a currency as a medium of exchange is mainly driven by its network effects, a successful new digital currency needs to maximize adoption in order to become useful. We propose a cryptocurrency, Terra, which is both price-stable and growth-driven. It achieves price-stability via an elastic money supply, enabled by stable mining incentives. It also uses seigniorage created by its minting operations as transaction stimulus, thereby facilitating adoption. There is demand for a decentralized, price-stable money protocol in both fiat and blockchain economies. If such a protocol succeeds, then it will have a significant impact as the best use case for cryptocurrencies.