사이트관리 상세

제목 Airtight Investigations Co., Ltd. (D002) → 2003.01.30 18:00:50
등록자 james 이메일 yoon@rf114.com 검색 17,528건
사이트주소 http://www.airtightinvestigations.com/
검색단어 RF, security, sales, camera, pinhole
설명#1 All Wireless and Security Products Sales
Private Investigators dedicated to serving the public for the most affordable price anywhere. We handle each investigation confidentially and according to the needs of the client. Our staff are trained in Forensic Analysis and Crime Scene Interpretation. Our Detectives are trained Interrogators and Interviewers, they are surveillance experts, experienced in video and still photography. Our operatives are trained in multiple Database Operations. We maintain an active roster of contacts abroad. We are part of an extensive network of Investigators across the United States. We work with local government agencies and with large Corporations, we also do extensive work in the Public arena. With over 15 years experience in Federal Law Enforcement and over 10 years in the public we are equipped to handle any type of case, from Murder to Skiptracing, Criminal Defense to Domestic Surveillance. The Detectives at AIRTIGHT are able to give expert testimony in any type of case. We hope youll pick AIRTIGHT INVESTIGATIONS for all your Security needs.